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Everything posted by charlie2555

  1. Thanks everyone! Matt, if they were my pictures on there, I didn't post them as I'm not on Retro Rides! I would happily purchase a Cavalier, but unfortunately the uni I'll be starting in September doesn't have any parking spaces for students
  2. Hi everyone. I'm obviously new to this site. I've always loved the old Mark 2 Cavalier. Unfortunately I can't afford insurance for a car at the moment, being 18 years old... Here's a picture of a Cavalier I spotted a while ago, if anyone's interested. It's a late model, and currently (well 2 months ago) parked up outside Langfords Scrapyard near Shaftesbury, Dorset. It appears to be for sale, but there's no DVLA record... F667UFX is the plate. I'm sure if no one purchases it, it may end up being scrapped.
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