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Billing 2013 Chat thread

Guest GreyDJ

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What a fantastic weekend, have to say that was almost as good as 2006, totally laid back, friday night was brilliant too, tim, your a legend mate  ;), paul, your full of surprizes mate, in all the years I have known you, never seen you drink that much and you was awake before 9am  :o.

There was plenty of snoring happening too, YOU know who you are  :D, my only down side was my 10 year old daughter is devastated that either she had lost her ipod touch or it was stolen from our tent  :(., she spent 12 months saving for it and is very sad at the moment.

So if anyone did find her Ipod touch PLEASE contact me and put a smile back on my daughters face.

Thanks all that attended, for those that didn't, Tuff  :D

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Here's the main rough montage. A lot of other clips to cut together yet.

Chris.. I hope it lives up to expectations..  ;)


Whilst not the best montage, I'm saving myself for next year! Stay tuned for more from this weekend!

Apologies for the music, it wouldn't upload with the "real" music I wanted to use, so I wrote something quickly last night to fill the gap!

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Thanks to everyone for a great chilled weekend!  8)

It was good for me being back in a mk2 this time, even if it did have a few cobwebs... she'll be getting a more thorough clean soon enough! :-[

Special thanks to Richie and Blitz and anyone else who helped save me from any further loss of dignity on Friday night! Also to Newbody for saving my tent and holding onto it from last year.

Thanks to Ivan Andy and Kat for doing the Saturday Tesco run, Daz for the BBQ skills and of course to Rocket for the food. Big thanks to Steffi for being our rep once again; there aren't too many people wanting to get up that early to attend the VBOA meetings! Thanks to Steffi and Toni for selling the raffle tickets too. Thanks to GreyDJ for being our VBOA rep the rest of the year round and attending the necessary meetings. Nice one Andy for the video/pic montage as usual.

Thanks to everyone else who I haven't mentioned, who put stuff up, took stuff down, tidied up or whatever else, it all helps make the event.

Cheers everyone, roll on next year!  :)

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Well what can I say best billing so far had a brilliant time a little to much to drink friday night but thanks to paul young and mr munt and my lovely girl friend for looking after me and making sure I got to bed well the porch anyway

Sorry to teazer for keep asking him what his girl friend was called but I remember it now lmao

To sum up was chilled out a right laugh and next year can only be bretter

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Thanks to all for letting me join you once my 'other' club had finished.  Sorry I didn't have a MK2 with me, but it is on my to do list, especially after seeing some of the cars on the stand this year!

Will try and join in more next time, I was just really busy this year buying half a car from the autojumble and trying to get it packed into the boot!!

If anybody knows the best way to get AC in a Viva let me know, god was it hot on the way there and back!!

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Thanks to all for letting me join you once my 'other' club had finished.  Sorry I didn't have a MK2 with me, but it is on my to do list, especially after seeing some of the cars on the stand this year!

Will try and join in more next time, I was just really busy this year buying half a car from the autojumble and trying to get it packed into the boot!!

If anybody knows the best way to get AC in a Viva let me know, god was it hot on the way there and back!!

Was nice to meet you at last Mark  :)

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welll what is left to say. What a brilliant weekend, easily my favourite Billing ever. I cant remember laughing so much, buying so much, sweating so much nor spending so much time on the stand. Why go elsewhere?

Literally so many things. Everyone in the boot of my car. Drinking shots of Paul's car roof. Sweeping all the rubbish onto the ground when Paul moaned he couldnt get in his boot. Picking all the rubbish up. Blitz attacking me with Ice cold water. Lord Muntcumber asking where I had been for a piss and me replying 'err, urinal mate', CUCUMBERS, the invention of the phrase 'facial rumshot' Keir telling me where it was safe to stand near my car on Saturday morning, even though his sick had dried out. My phone not being stolen afterall. Tim absorbing anything alcohol based on Friday, then not touching anything again all weekend, being introduced to the phrase motorboating, finding out how much more fun 18psi is instead of just 10psi.....  and thats not even half of it.

It didnt stop from the moment I arrived to the moment I left. Thanks everyone for such a wicked weekend:)

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Great summaries! Think the Friday night carnage is right up there with my favorites too. Next year, definitely going to add that extra day back on as arriving on Friday / not leaving Monday felt a bit strange! Highlights for me are many also.

Tim - drinking everything under the sun Friday night and bringing his MK2! Rocket for his black bin bags of meat, (BUT NOT THE TEQUILA!) newbody for the iceberg paddling pool which REALLY cooled. Teazer for stripping down my carb on Sunday morning the first time (now been done again, so thanks for the induction!), the estate / boot filling fiasco (bretts keys!). Actually finding loads of bits that were useful in autojumble. Meeting new members for the first time, realising that kat's first billing was a stormer and that she wants to do it all again. (she actually likes being around you nutters - thanks esp to the girls for making her feel welcome). Thank you to everyone who helped out, as tim says - taking things down / putting things up, cooking, attending or selling! Can't wait for next year already!

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