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[EVENT] Frostbite 2009


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Abo should start chraging for these rides :P

True but you shouldnt leave your keys on a table someone might make off with them  ;D ;D


hope you enjoyed the ride Jimmycav and nice to have met you and the missus hope she better next time and will remember to bring a big stick for her next time to beat you with  ;)

my couple of piccys from the weekend

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Had a better time today got a few bargains a brand new late spec rear light ,2x GM brand new black wing mirrors and a few odds and sods , i got a bit bored last night sorry, its great at these little meets to meet new members,  Mark and his wife came all the way from bridlington for a few hours thats what i call a keen member, and our special members from Ireland, devon and someone in a calibra near bognor ;D




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wanted to make yhe effort will be getting pisst next time so will be a laugh then BLITZ YOU DEFO SOUND TALLER ON THE PHONE  ;D ;D ;Dand missed abbo newbody saw jimmy as i left wanted to see a calibre as not seen 1 in ages but had to do with a calibra  >:(;)

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nice to see old faces and meet some new faces

want to say a big thanks to Abo and a big thanks to Biltz  ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

had an absolute awesome time my cheeks still hurt from laughing so much!! oh and im a bit sore but its not my head or me bits lol  ;D ;D

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Yes tim bloody cavalier coupe's  >:D

Jimmy your more than welcome you rescued my weekend and great to meet the mrs she's a riot :P

mate you're a riot yourself was a good laugh on a serious note thanks for the loan of you're keys it has really made my mind up so this years plans are holiday for kids, move in with kirsty into our own home (not buy!!!!) then next year is drop redtop in George and find another mk2 cav for Kirsty as she has told after meting you folks an the influence of mine she would like one!  ;D ;D ;D

hows the bruises today James? hell that wa funny

not to bad mate lol we've been laughing about it all day lmfao  ;D ;D ;D

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Well,as usual i didn't do a show/meet by half's  :D I wasn't coming at all tbh,but driving around working last night,i decided,to swap the taxi for the cav,and set off for the hotel at 2.30am,arrived at 4.15am,quilt out,went to sleep in the passenger seat  :P set alarm for 8am,and at 8.15,Jonny was ringing "Abo,is that you in the car park?"  ;D

    After meeting Newbody and partner,and Rosco,Jonny said "instead of standing in the cold,you could take me for a ride" i need no invitation  >:D :D Newbody joined us,and so did Tim too,albeit a little reluctantly,weren't scared were ya Tim mate  ::) ::) Glad you enjoyed the ride fella's,it makes all the hard work me and Blitz put into her worth it just to see the looks on your faces  >:D >:D

   Was good to see some new faces,old too as usual. Glad i came,had a good day,and must say thank you to Rocket,who,after over a year,honoured his promise to give me first refusal on the black interior plastics that i asked him for,thanks mate,absolute diamond  :) 8)



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   Was good to see some new faces,old too as usual. Glad i came,had a good day,and must say thank you to Rocket,who,after over a year,honoured his promise to give me first refusal on the black interior plastics that i asked him for,thanks mate,absolute diamond  :) 8)



Why thank you Abo  ;D

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Right, I have the club hosting ready, so if anyone emails pics to andy@mk2cav.com I will add them to the gallery post and subsequent article. All pics up already I will add if thats ok..

Special greets have to go to the fantastically understanding other halves of Mag Racing, Newbody and Jimmy Cav for putting up with a whole weekend of cav related banter! Although Kirsty for which is sounds like could be a chance to join the ranks for Clara and Steffi as owners who "get" the MK2 thing!

It was great to meet Timthebus and Newbody, Mag Racing and Newbody - and for an albeit quick catch up with Matt. I only wish that we could have had an ibis like affair with an open area we could all have congregated in. Being shifted from the restaurant to a busy bar area certainly made things more difficult when compared to previous meets! Still, getting my results back and some nice meds (to which I know drinking with was not a good idea!) I'm not dying of anything, and despite being ill and a bit out of it - am really glad that I made it up in one piece! helped in part by a convoy with bright yellow and white cavs to keep me  on the road in a straight line!

Was also nice bumping into Rolfe in his Calibre too! Therich, I know you were there somewhere!! I hope to see your other purchases soon! I realised this weekend the perspective I wish everyone had - that life is too short. Without being too morbid, I think it's important to put something in perspective. Whilst my growth may have been cause to celebrate, I personally felt guilty that I had time to venture out and enjoy myself where in little over 10 hours time I not only have to return to a day of the normal academic hustle and bustle but I have to visit two of my students - Two of my final year students are at various stages of acute lukemia one of them is close to death and the other has been given a 12% chance of survivall depending on his stem cell treatment. I have to visit them in hospital to take them their work. It made me put everything in perspective and made me want to live my life to the full. As a result of which I plan to give this year my all. Makes me thankful for some of the people I have had a chance to meet through this site over the years and hope  to continue to meet so apologies to anyone if I was a little off coloured, and thanks to those who understood.  ;)

If people email me their pics I will get them hosted up as soon as they arrive in my inbox. If anyone has any pics from the welsh meet the week before they want putting up do let me know as I have a couple from that I took to get up too.

I loved the key throwing incident that went on in the middle of the night too!  ;D

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